The Blog

Spotlight: Torey Berndt

Another day, another spotlight! Meet Torey!

I hadn’t met Torey in person before Brunch and Brand, but we’d been part of the same community (shoutout to Megan Reed’s Creating Confidence Society) so we’d seen each other on Zoom calls before. Turns out, Torey grew up just a few towns away from me!

She’s an online business manager helping you do YOU better, from your business to your life (and everything in between). Torey helps creative entrepreneurs get their time back, cultivate community and express their brands. With the right tools, she believes you CAN do all the things, and she’s here to help you build your toolbox.

Torey’s business started as an email. She had reached out to a colleague offering to plan an event and when they said “Yes!” she suddenly found herself in business. She fell in love with entrepreneurship as she discovered her own helpful tools and systems and began finding innovative ways that she could use them to help others (Enneagram Type 2, for sure!). Today, she has a digital shop, offers a variety of creative services from content strategy to web design, and she’s even shared her expertise as a presenter to regional and global groups. Dang, girl!

Torey Berndt

Torey’s all about authenticity and loves working with clients who share her vibe — where it’s OK to admit we don’t have it all together, celebrate body positivity, cuss, drink, and live with no filter, and believe wholeheartedly there’s always a silver lining despite the challenges.

I love how Torey totally understands the struggle we face as business owners. Not enough hours. Staying organized. Managing all your passions. She lives it every day as an entrepreneur with a full-time gig in marketing communications, yet she STILL has a life. How? Lots of faith, confidence, boundaries, and Trello! She pours so much love and expertise into her business and really wants others to succeed. How inspiring is that!?

Want to keep up with Torey? Follow her on Insta @toreystories or check out her website at

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