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Using the Enneagram to Find Your Why

Let’s face it, there’s a whole lotta competition out there. I know you’re not in this game to be the lowest cost option (ick), so what’s it going to take to stand apart in a sea of sameness?

Getting laser-focused on “why” you do what you do is absolutely critical. If you truly want to build a brand that calls in your dream clients, you need more than a slick logo, memorable messaging, and some products or services. You need a powerful and authentic narrative that resonates on a deeper level.

When your “why” is clear and aligned with your values, it becomes the driving force behind your brand, setting you apart from competitors and attracting clients who share your vision. It establishes an emotional connection, builds trust, and inspires loyalty, as people are drawn to businesses that have a genuine purpose and a meaningful impact.

Purpose and impact.

Let that simmer for a moment. Sure, you need to get paid, but I’m guessing you might be an entrepreneur because you weren’t finding purpose and creating impact in a traditional J-O-B. (I know I wasn’t.)

So what is your purpose? What is the impact you’re hoping to make? That’s what we want to get super clear about as we nail down your “why”.

Your “why” becomes the guiding light that fuels your brand’s mission, shapes your messaging, and influences every aspect of your business, leading to a stronger connection with your dream clients and a greater chance of long-term success. It’s what keeps you going when the road gets bumpy … and boy, can it get bumpy sometimes!

If you’ve struggled to figure out your “why” and still can’t quite put it into words, maybe it’s time to look at your Enneagram type for clues. Your Enneagram type sums up your core motivations and can be a good indicator of what really matters to you. It might spark something that you haven’t thought of already or confirm what you already know.

Find your type below and see what you think. Doesn’t sound quite right? Try your dominant wing type. Or look at what type you move to in your your Growth Path or Direction of Integration.

The cool thing about the Enneagram is that while we are probably most aligned with one type, we can often see ourselves embodying parts of several types. If you see something in another that speaks to you more than your own, that’s OK! Run with it and keep digging down to find your “why”.

  1. Type 1 – The Perfectionist: You’re driven by a desire for integrity, accuracy, and improvement. Your “why” in business often revolves around creating order, systems, and processes that meet high standards. As a Type 1 entrepreneur, you strive for excellence, efficiency, and making a positive impact by correcting what you perceive as wrong or unjust in your industry or society.
  2. Type 2 – The Helper: You’re motivated by a need to be loved and appreciated. Your “why” in business often revolves around helping and serving others. You excel at building relationships, providing support, and meeting the needs of your clients or customers. As a Type 2 entrepreneur, you’re likely driven by a desire to make a difference in people’s lives and create a sense of connection and belonging.
  3. Type 3 – The Achiever: You are motivated by a need for success, recognition, and admiration. Your “why” in business often revolves around achieving goals, attaining excellence, and being seen as competent and successful. As a Type 3 entrepreneur, you might be driven to excel in your field, build your personal brand, and create businesses that are results-oriented and highly competitive.
  4. Type 4 – The Individualist: You are driven by a need for authenticity, self-expression, and personal significance. Your “why” in business probably revolves around creating unique, creative, and emotionally resonant products or services. As a Type 4 entrepreneur, you likely thrive on connecting with others at a deep level and creating businesses that are aesthetically appealing and emotionally meaningful.
  5. Type 5 – The Investigator: You’re motivated by a need for knowledge, understanding, and privacy. Your “why” in business might revolve around exploring ideas, gaining expertise, and contributing valuable insights. You excel in research, analysis, and problem-solving. As a Type 5 entrepreneur, your business might be driven by a desire to innovate, share knowledge, and create solutions that have a lasting impact.
  6. Type 6 – The Loyalist: You are driven by a need for security, guidance, and loyalty. Your “why” in business could revolve around creating stability, trust, and reliability. You excel in risk management, planning, and ensuring safety for themselves and others. As a Type 6 entrepreneur, your business could be driven by a desire to build strong foundations, establish trustworthy relationships, and provide dependable products or services.
  7. Type 7 – The Enthusiast: You’re motivated by a need for stimulation, freedom, and new experiences. Your “why” in business likely revolves around creating opportunities, exploring possibilities, and promoting joy and excitement. You thrive on innovation, creativity, and bringing new ideas to life. As a Type 7 entrepreneur, your business might be driven by a desire to create enjoyable experiences and offer a wide range of options.
  8. Type 8 – The Challenger: You are driven by a need for control, power, and justice. Your “why” in business often revolves around creating impact, influence, and protection. You excel in leadership, decision-making, and advocating for what you believe is right. As a Type 8 entrepreneur, your business is likely driven by a desire to make a difference, challenge the status quo, and create a sense of fairness and strength.
  9. Type 9 – The Peacemaker: You’re motivated by a need for inner peace, harmony, and avoiding conflict. Your “why” in business often revolves around creating unity, collaboration, and balance. You excel at fostering teamwork, resolving conflicts, and creating inclusive environments. As a Type 9 entrepreneur, your business is probably driven by a desire to bring people together, find common ground, and promote well-being.

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